A logical proof of a proposition by showing that its negation leads to a contradiction. 通过否定一个命题得出矛盾结果的逻辑证明。
Secondly, it is proved that monotonicity is equivalent to the law of proof by contradiction, and a simpler equivalent condition to monotonicity is given. 其次,证明了单调性与反证律等价,并给出了单调性的一个更为简洁的充要条件;
The proof by contradiction is one of the most important methods of proving propositions in mathematics. 反证法是一种重要的证明方法,它在数学命题的证明中有直接证法所起不到的作用。
This paper studies the properties of the harmonic serles by using series properties, and gives a proof by contradiction for its divergence. 利用级数的性质对调和级数活跃的性态作了讨论和研究,并利用它的活跃的性质,用一种新的反证法证明其发散性。
With the help of some good results of differential equations theory, some sufficient conditions for all solutions of the equations to be oscillatory are obtained. The way is to proof by contradiction and construct sequence. 然后用反证法和构造序列的方法,充分利用微分方程理论中的一些重要结论,得到此类差分方程解振动的若干充分条件。